Loving Tina? ⭐️ us on GitHubStar



Core Concepts
Querying Content
Customizing Tina
Going To Production
Further Reference

Alibaba Cloud is the leading cloud service provider in China. Since China doesn't have mature GitHub-integrated hosting services like Vercel, Alibaba Cloud becomes the go-to option for developers who want to deploy their websites within mainland China.

Alibaba Cloud Configuration

Alibaba Cloud offers a wide range of server options. We generally recommend using Elastic Compute Service (ECS) for TinaCMS project deployment. For detailed instructions on creating and configuring your server, please refer to the Official Alibaba Cloud Documentation.

Server Setup

After creating your ECS instance, you'll need to set up the necessary software for manage your TinaCMS project.

Install PM2 for Process Management

PM2 is a process manager for Node.js applications that helps keep your application running in production.

pnpm install -g pm2
Install and Configure Nginx

Nginx will serve as a reverse proxy for your TinaCMS application.

yum install nginx

Next, start Nginx and enable it to run on system boot:

systemctl start nginx # Start the Nginx service
systemctl enable nginx # Configure Nginx to start automatically on system boot
systemctl status nginx # Check the status of the Nginx service
Configure Nginx as a Reverse Proxy

Create a configuration file for your TinaCMS site:

vim /etc/nginx/conf.d/tinademo.conf

Add the following configuration:

server {
listen 80;
server_name your - domain.com; # Replace with your actual domain
location / {
proxy_pass http://localhost:3000;
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection 'upgrade';
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_cache_bypass $http_upgrade;

Test your Nginx configuration for syntax errors:

nginx -t

Reload Nginx to apply the new configuration:

nginx -s reload

Preparing for GitHub Actions Deployment

Create Deployment Directory

First, create a directory on your server where your Tina CMS project will be deployed:

mkdir -p /www/tinademo
cd /www/tinademo
Generate SSH Keys for GitHub Actions

Generate an SSH key pair on your Alibaba Cloud server:

ssh -keygen -t ed25519 -C "deploy-key"
# Press Enter to use the default path
# Leave the passphrase empty by pressing Enter
Add Public Key to Authorized Keys

Add the generated public key to the authorized_keys file to allow GitHub Actions to authenticate:

cat ~/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

Configuring GitHub Secrets

After generating your SSH key, you'll need to add several secrets to your GitHub repository to enable secure deployment.

  1. GitHub repository → Settings
  2. Secrets and variables → Actions
  3. Click "New repository secret"

Required GitHub Secrets

You'll need to configure the following secrets:

  1. SSH_PRIVATE_KEY : The private key generated on your server
    • View it using: cat ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
    • Make sure to include the entire key, including the -----BEGIN OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY---- and -----END OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY-----
  2. SERVER_HOST: Your Alibaba Cloud server's IP address
    • This is the public IP address of your ECS instance
  3. SERVER_USERNAME: The username for connecting to your server
    • Typically root or the user account you created on your ECS instance
  4. NEXT_PUBLIC_TINA_BRANCH: The branch that Tina CMS should use for content
    • Usually your main branch (e.g., main or master)
  5. NEXT_PUBLIC_TINA_CLIENT_ID: Your TinaCloud client ID
    • Find this in your TinaCloud dashboard under project settings
  6. TINA_TOKEN: Your TinaCloud token for authentication
    • Generate this from your TinaCloud dashboard under API Access

Creating GitHub Actions Workflow

Create a new file in your repository at .github/workflows/deploy.yml with the following content:

name: Deploy to Alibaba Cloud Server
branches: [main]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Setup Node.js
uses: actions/setup-node@v3
node-version: "22.14.0"
- name: Setup pnpm
uses: pnpm/action-setup@v2
version: 8
- name: Install Dependencies
run: pnpm install
- name: Create .env file
run: |
cat > .env << EOL
TINA_TOKEN=${{ secrets.TINA_TOKEN }}
- name: Build
TINA_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.TINA_TOKEN }}
run: pnpm build
- name: Deploy to Server
uses: appleboy/scp-action@master
host: ${{ secrets.SERVER_HOST }}
username: ${{ secrets.SERVER_USERNAME }}
key: ${{ secrets.SSH_PRIVATE_KEY }}
source: ".next/,public/,package.json,pnpm-lock.yaml,.env,tina/,next.config.js,.tina/"
target: "/tina/tinademo/"
rm: true
- name: Execute Remote SSH Commands
uses: appleboy/ssh-action@master
host: ${{ secrets.SERVER_HOST }}
username: ${{ secrets.SERVER_USERNAME }}
key: ${{ secrets.SSH_PRIVATE_KEY }}
script: |
cd /tina/tinademo
pnpm install
pm2 delete tinademo || true
pm2 flush tinademo
NODE_ENV=production pm2 start "pnpm start" --name tinademo

Configuring a Custom Domain

To use a custom domain with your TinaCMS project in China:

Domain Setup

  1. Purchase a domain from a Chinese provider (e.g. Alibaba Cloud, Tencent Cloud)
  2. Add an A record pointing to your Alibaba Cloud server's IP address
  3. Update your Nginx configuration:
server {
listen 80;
server_name yourdomain.cn;
# Rest of configuration

ICP Filing

Remember that websites hosted in mainland China require ICP filing. Start this process through your domain provider or Alibaba Cloud.

Last Edited: February 19, 2025