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Core Concepts
Querying Content
Customizing Tina
Going To Production
Further Reference

Our amazing title is pretty amazing, but one title does not a website make. Let's extend the schema a little, so we can get some more interesting content displayed.

1. Edit your config.ts file, and add a new field to your my_first_collection schema.

schema: {
collections: [
name: "my_first_collection",
label: "My first collection",
path: "content/first",
fields: [
type: "string",
name: "title",
label: "Title",
isTitle: true,
required: true,
// 👇 New field! 👇
type: "string",
name: "body",
label: "Body",
isBody: true, // <--- New property!
required: true
ui: {
router: ({ document }) => {
if (document._sys.filename == "Hello-World") {
return "/";

2. Now, just to do something a little different, go ahead and edit your Hello-World.md file directly in your IDE.

3. Add some text to the body of the markdown file, like this:

title: Hello World! Look at my amazing title!
Look at my incredible body 🦙
The isBody property does what it says on the tin - it tells Tina that this property is the "body" of the markdown content (ie, not in front-matter).

4. Edit the awesome-content.tsx component so it renders out the body content:

"use client";
import { useTina } from "tinacms/dist/react";
export default function AwesomeContent({data}) {
const pageData = useTina({
data: data.data,
query: data.query,
variables: data.variables,
const amazingTitle = pageData.data.my_first_collection.title;
const incredibleBody = pageData.data.my_first_collection.body;
return (

5. Start up your app, navigate to http://localhost:3000 and you will see your incredible body on screen.

What about editing? Well, try going to http://localhost:3000/admin/index.html and you'll see a new field has magically appeared in your visual editor. Hooray! 🙌 🎉

Last Edited: March 19, 2025