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Localized List

Here at Tina, we are still working on our built-in solution for internationalizing your website.

However, for those users that need a simple solution and are willing to navigate a few hurdles, we do have a potential workaround utilizing content sub-folders.


For this solution, we're going to leverage an advanced feature offered by Next.js: internationalized routing.


While Next.js is used in our solution, other frameworks could be substituted as long as they offer similar features.

In this Guide

  • Updating the next.config.json to support i18n locales
  • Modifying getStaticPaths to build locale-aware paths
  • Modifying getStaticProps to include locale in the relativePath
  • Creating locale-ready Documents in the CMS

Update next.config.js

First off, we'll need to add the i18n section to the next.config.js along with both locales and a defaultLocale:


Note: defaultLocale provides a fallback for any unsupported locales.
* next.config.js
module.exports = {
i18n: {
locales: ['en-US', 'fr', 'nl-NL'],
defaultLocale: 'en-US'

Modify getStaticPaths()

Given that we're adding i18n support to the post collection, we'll be updating getStaticPaths inside /pages/post/[filename].tsx.

* /pages/post/[filename].tsx
import { client } from '../[pathToTina]/tina/__generated__/client'
// ...
// `locales` is provided to `getStaticPaths` and matches `locales` in the `config`
const getStaticPaths = async ({ locales }) => {
const postConnection = await client.postConnection();
const paths = [];
// for each `post` document...
postConnection.data.edges.map((post) => {
// ensure a `path` is created for each `locale`
locales.map((locale) => {
params: { filename: post.node._sys.filename },
return {
fallback: true,

Modify getStaticProps()

Next, we'll want to update getStaticProps to include locale as part of the relativePath.

* /pages/post/[filename].tsx
// `locale` is provided alongside `params`
const getStaticProps = async({ params, locale }) {
const tinaProps = await client.BlogPostQuery({
// compose `relativePath` where `locale` is a sub-folder to the `post`
relativePath: `${locale}/${params.filename}.mdx`,
return {
props: {

Create Locale-Ready Documents

Create Locale Document

Now, we'll venture into the CMS either through the Global Nav or directly via /admin.

For our example, we'll want to create three versions in our post collection by modifying the filename field to include each locale as a sub-folder:

  • en-US/hello-world for our "English (United States)" version
  • fr/hello-world for our "French" version
  • nl-NL/hello-world for our "Netherlands" version


Editing English

With our Documents created, we can confirm that the correct Document is loaded based on the user's locale by adding a console.log to getStaticProps:

* /pages/post/[filename].tsx
// `locale` is provided alongside `params`
const getStaticProps = async({ params, locale }) {
// console out the `locale`
console.log('locale', locale)
// compose `relativePath` where `locale` is a sub-folder to the `post`
const relativePath = `${locale}/${params.filename}.mdx`
const tinaProps = await client.BlogPostQuery({
return {
props: {

The output will appear in the CLI console:

  • Visiting http://localhost:3000/post/hello-world
locale en-US
  • Visiting http://localhost:3000/fr/post/hello-world
locale fr

Editing French

Next Steps

From this point, we can explore more of what Next.js offers including:


  • Using useRouter() to attach locale information to the app
  • Using next/link with a locale prop to influence navigation to a locale