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Core Concepts
Querying Content
Customizing Tina
Going To Production
Further Reference
☝️ This guide assumes you are using the Next.js pages router.

Video Guide

Installing dependencies

From within your site's directory, run:

npx @tinacms/cli@latest init

This will ask you a few setup questions. When prompted for the public assets directory, enter: public.

Updating your build scripts

tina init should have updated your package.json scripts.

"scripts": {
"dev": "tinacms dev -c \"next dev\"",
"build": "tinacms build && next build",
"start": "tinacms build && next start"

These should be applied manually if they haven't been set by the CLI.

Starting TinaCMS

You can start TinaCMS with:

pnpm dev

We recommend using pnpm.

With TinaCMS running, navigate to http://localhost:3000/admin/index.html.

❓ Hint: If you are getting errors when running this command, please see the Common Errors page.

At this point, you should be able to see the Tina admin, select a post, save changes, and see the changes persisted to your local markdown files.

TinaCMS Admin Screenshot

TinaCMS Config file

After running the tina init command a few files were created to get you started as quick as possible. One of these is the tina/config.ts file. This is the a required config file that defines all the tina schemas.

It looks like the following:

import { defineConfig } from 'tinacms'
// Your hosting provider likely exposes this as an environment variable
const branch =
process.env.GITHUB_BRANCH ||
process.env.VERCEL_GIT_COMMIT_REF ||
process.env.HEAD ||
export default defineConfig({
// Get this from tina.io
clientId: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_TINA_CLIENT_ID,
// Get this from tina.io
token: process.env.TINA_TOKEN,
build: {
outputFolder: 'admin',
publicFolder: 'public',
media: {
tina: {
mediaRoot: '',
publicFolder: 'public',
schema: {
collections: [
name: 'post',
label: 'Posts',
path: 'content/posts',
fields: [
type: 'string',
name: 'title',
label: 'Title',
isTitle: true,
required: true,
type: 'rich-text',
name: 'body',
label: 'Body',
isBody: true,

For a more detailed overview about the config see Content Modeling with TinaCMS

💡 If you've followed this guide using the tina init command, you might have noticed that a content and a pages folder got created:
Adding file at content/posts/hello-world.md... ✅
Adding file at pages/demo/blog/[filename].tsx... ✅
These can be used as a quick reference but are safe to delete.

Creating a New Post

💡 As defined in the tina/config.ts file we have 1 collection called post which will be picked up by TinaCMS and mapped to what you see in the TinaCMS Admin page.

1.Head over to /admin/index.html

2.Click on Posts

3.Click on Create

4.Enter required fields


Now, let's go back and check what was created. You will see a /content folder with your new post saved as a .md file. This path is defined in the tina/config.ts files post collection!

└── posts
└── hello-world.md

Rendering the Post Collection

Let's start by creating a /posts folder. The index here will list all our posts.

File: pages/posts/index.tsx

import Link from 'next/link'
import { useTina } from 'tinacms/dist/react'
import { client } from '../../tina/__generated__/client'
export default function PostList(props) {
// data passes though in production mode and data is updated to the sidebar data in edit-mode
const { data } = useTina({
query: props.query,
variables: props.variables,
data: props.data,
const postsList = data.postConnection.edges
return (
{postsList.map((post) => (
<div key={post.node.id}>
<Link href={`/posts/${post.node._sys.filename}`}>
export const getStaticProps = async () => {
const { data, query, variables } = await client.queries.postConnection()
return {
props: {

Rendering a Single Post

File: pages/posts/[slug].tsx

import { useTina } from 'tinacms/dist/react'
import { client } from '../../tina/__generated__/client'
export default function Home(props) {
// data passes though in production mode and data is updated to the sidebar data in edit-mode
const { data } = useTina({
query: props.query,
variables: props.variables,
data: props.data,
return (
backgroundColor: 'lightgray',
{JSON.stringify(data.post, null, 2)}
export const getStaticPaths = async () => {
const { data } = await client.queries.postConnection()
const paths = data.postConnection.edges.map((x) => {
return { params: { slug: x.node._sys.filename } }
return {
fallback: 'blocking',
export const getStaticProps = async (ctx) => {
const { data, query, variables } = await client.queries.post({
relativePath: ctx.params.slug + '.md',
return {
props: {

Next Steps

Last Edited: March 6, 2025