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Core Concepts
Querying Content
Customizing Tina
Going To Production
Further Reference
Separate Content Repo


Tina supports sourcing content from a separate Git repo. With this approach you can continue to define your Tina config in your "website repo", but documents will be saved elsewhere.


You might want to do this for a variety of reasons, such as:

  • To decouple your website code from your content files so your commit history isn't a mix of content updates and code updates
  • To avoid having to give TinaCloud write access to your website's code (only give access to your content repo)

Throughout this guide we'll be referring to a "website repo" and a "content repo". The "website repo" is where your actual website is running, while the "content repo" is where you'll be storing your markdown content


  • You must have both the "content repo" and the "website repo" checked out onto your local machine.
  • You must provide the location of your content repo in your Tina config (more about that below).
  • When making changes, you'll need to ensure you've pushed both repos to GitHub, with the "content repo" changes first

Create the website repository

We have deployed a basic starting "website repo", which you can clone to get started.

git clone git@github.com:tinacms/separate-website-repo.git

The "website repo" contains the NextJS site, and the tina config.

Create the content repository

To set up the "content repo", we'll start with a simple .mdx file:

mkdir -p ../demo-content-repo/content/pages && touch ../demo-content-repo/content/pages/home.mdx && echo "Hello" >> ../demo-content-repo/content/pages/home.mdx

This command created a folder (demo-content-repo) and added a single MDX file to it in the content/pages directory, we'll be using that directory for the page collection defined in the Tina config.

Local Development

In the "website repo", install the project's dependencies

yarn install

Run the project locally:

yarn dev

Visit the page in edit mode

Open http://localhost:3000/admin/index.html.

From here you can add more fields to you content models in tina/config.js. Visit the docs to learn more about content modeling.

Deploying your content repo

Next we'll want to create a TinaCloud project from our "content repo"

Initialize Git in your content repo and push it to GitHub. From there connect to TinaCloud

Once that's done, create a token for the main branch, or use * to allow all branches.

Switch back to your "website repo" and set up an .env file to use when connecting to TinaCloud:

cp .env.example .env

When you run tinacms build, it will use those credentials to connect to TinaCloud rather than the local server:

yarn build

Learn More

To learn more about Tina, take a look at the following resources:

You can check out Tina GitHub repository - your feedback and contributions are welcome!

Last Edited: January 15, 2025