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WARNING: The user interface for {type} does not support `list: true`

We have expanded the graphql API capabilities to to have a list property option for every field. This means that the graphql response will return a array for of type for this field. This is support on our backend but we still have not implanted the front end user interface for these fields yet. Here is the relevant issue for tracking. There are currently two workarounds for this issue.

1. Wrap in object field

Wrap in an object field. If your field looked like this

type: "image",
name: "images",
label: "Images",
list: true,

This can be used instead

type: "object",
name: "images",
label: "Images",
list: true,
fields: [
type: "image",
name: "image",
label: "A single image",

Now you will be able to and delete new images in a list.

2. Create your own custom UI

You can create your own custom user interface by adding a custom field. You will have to make your own component that follows that type in the schema. After that is done your field could look like this.

type: "image",
name: "images",
label: "Images",
list: true,
ui: {
component: "MyCustomImageListingField",

Last Edited: September 17, 2021