TinaCMS V0.69.13

September 27, 2022

By Logan Anderson

Announcing TinaCMS 0.69.12

Today, we are releasing a new version of Tinacms. This version adds several improvements including;

  • A new default values behavior
  • Filename customization

New default values behavior

To start we are deprecating the use of defaultValue this value would misbehave and make it hard or impossible in some cases to nullify a value.

Now defaultItem can be provided at the collection level. This will serve as the default values for the form when the document is being created. This is a breaking change and will be removed in the next major version.

Example using defaultItem

const schema = defineSchema({
collections: [
name: 'posts',
label: 'Blog Posts',
path: 'content/posts',
format: 'mdx',
defaultItem: () => {
return {
// Return a default title and the current date as the default date
title: 'new post',
date: new Date().toISOString(),
fields: [
label: 'Title',
name: 'title',
type: 'string',
label: 'Date',
name: 'date',
type: 'date',
// ...
export default schema

When a new documented is created the default values will be used to populate the form.

Fore more information check out the docs.

Filename Customization

In this new version the filename can be customized with the ui.filename prop in the schema. With this prop you can provide a slugify function to generate the filename and optionally disable the filename input from editors.

Here is an example of how the slugify function can be used to generate a filename with the format ${topic}-${title}.


const schema = defineSchema({
config: {
collections: [
label: 'Blog Posts',
name: 'post',
path: 'content/post',
format: 'md',
ui: {
filename: {
// if readonly, the editor can not edit the filename
readonly: true,
// Example of using a custom slugify function
slugify: values => {
// Values is an object containing all the values of the form. In this case it is {title?: string, topic?: string}
return `${values?.topic ||
'no-topic'}-${values?.title?.toLowerCase().replace(/ /g, '-')}`
fields: [
type: 'string',
label: 'Title',
name: 'title',
type: 'string',
label: 'Topic',
name: 'topic',
options: ['programming', 'blacksmithing'],

For more information checkout the docs.

Last Edited: September 27, 2022